reservoir dogs


As has been seen time and time again, messing with classic films for video game adaptations can be a dicey prospect. Sometimes, against all odds, it works out, and you get something surprisingly enjoyable. Other times, you get hollow action games that simply use a classic film as a crutch to peddle unremarkable gameplay, and end up offending the very audience at which the game proclaims to be for. Eidos Interactive's Reservoir Dogs falls distinctly to the latter end of the spectrum. Based on the cult-classic Quentin Tarantino film about a group of foul-mouthed robbers trying to sniff out a rat among their group after a jewel heist gone wrong, this third-person action game tries to justify its existence by expanding upon many of the questions left at the end of the film. The problem is that none of the answers are very interesting. These new sequences act less as legitimate fan service and more as a hackneyed means to put you through a series of boring, clunky, and disjointed shooter levels, as well as some painfully frustrating driving sequences.
Part1 Part2 Part3
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