Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y


Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y. Edition Direct Link

Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y. Edition Direct Link

Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition is a rehash of UT so several considerations had to be made to write this review: how well does it stand up to the current batch of FPSs, are the additions cause enough for someone who already owns UT to purchaseGOTYE, and is this a good FPS for the first timer? The answers are: very well, no and yes.

The graphics haven’t changed from UT. There are many graphic options so it’s worth your time to configure them to your liking. Action is smooth for the most part – depending on your hardware configuration and your Internet connection during multiplay. Character models and skins are detailed. Indoor levels offer detailed architecture and even outdoor levels don’t slow down the action. There is a lot of colour too, which makes everything very easy to look at. The weapon effects are particularly well done.

UT: GOTYE has all the weapons found in the regular UT. Of course, there are a variety of new weapons to master including a wicked looking sword, happy face proximity bombs (that giggle maniacally), turrets and crossbows. These weapons are courtesy of the ChaosGOTYE mutator (one in a long list of mutators that affect various aspects of the game) found in the practice menu. These menus allow players to customize gameplay without having to know any programming. If you want lower gravity, make Enforcers the only weapon available, and enable chainsaws as the melee weapon you can do it quickly and easily. The menus themselves are easy to navigate and understand. Setting up a practice session (frag limit, map order, bot intelligence, game type, etc.) takes about 30 seconds.

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