In this clever and entertaining strategy/life simulation game created by Elixir Studios, the player assumes the role of a wicked mastermind bent on achieving global domination through the construction of the ultimate doomsday device. A tongue-in-cheek take on the 60's spy thriller genre, Evil Genius™ offers the player the chance to be the villain and control a secret island fortress complete with powerful (and strangely dressed) henchmen, mindlessly loyal minions and a wide range of hilarious gizmos. All the everyday tasks of the megalomaniac are available to experience as players build a secret base, train minions, gain infamy and notoriety by completing daring missions, toy with the forces of justice by setting clever traps, torture captives with ingenious devices, and develop evil super weapons to complete a nefarious master plan.
Hardware Requirements
Operating System: Windows XP Processor: CPU Pentium 4 2.4GHz or Athlon 2200 Video Card: Geforce FX 5700 or Radeon 9600 or higher CD-ROM: CDRom 52x or DVD Rom 16x RAM: 512 MB RAM Minimum Operating System: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP Processor: Pentium PIII 800 MHz Processor or AMD Athlon Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce™ or ATI Radeon™ 7000 or higher CD-ROM: 4X or Faster RAM: 256 MB RAM.
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Operating System: Windows XP Processor: CPU Pentium 4 2.4GHz or Athlon 2200 Video Card: Geforce FX 5700 or Radeon 9600 or higher CD-ROM: CDRom 52x or DVD Rom 16x RAM: 512 MB RAM Minimum Operating System: Windows 98/2000/ME/XP Processor: Pentium PIII 800 MHz Processor or AMD Athlon Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce™ or ATI Radeon™ 7000 or higher CD-ROM: 4X or Faster RAM: 256 MB RAM.
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